You know deep inside what lies behind your cabinet’s doors. If it’s not seen, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. You try to pull out a pan and a crash of pots & containers surprises you. Storing your kitchen utensils is essential to save you effort in grabbing your target, time, and space. End […]
Read articleHaving a disorganized fridge is a waste of money and food. With a messy fridge, the food is shoved in places you can’t spot, which means that some will be spoiled and tossed in the trash. Additionally, having spoiled food is a welcoming invitation for bacteria to live in your fridge! A disarrayed fridge consumes […]
Read articleWith the right temperature and nutrients, bacteria are set to grow & live happily like other living things. They spread from person to person and to surfaces depending on factors like surface type, living habits, cleaning procedures, and lifestyle practices. Meet the top places at your home that attract bacteria like a magnet, surely followed […]
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